sitelen sitelen

kama pona! sina ken kama sona e sitelen sitelen kepeken lipu ni.

Learn how to write in the hieroglyphic blocks known as sitelen sitelen. This is a system of non-linear writing you can use to free your mind or break from regular thought.



other resources

toki pona

sona pi toki pona. links and resources for learning toki pona and engaging with others.

sitelen sitelen acknowledgements and etymology

sitelen sitelen, indexed as t47 within the larger context of my art projects, would not have been possible without the work of others. Here are my greatest sources of debt, and some additional information on the etymology of the glyphs.

Vectorized sitelen sitelen by Jan Same

December 11, 2015
jan Same created a complete set of vectorized sitelen sitelen, including the syllable glyphs and an assortment of containers, and has used them to render the first page of The Little Prince.


sitelen mi

poka anu lon poka?

July 25, 2020
historical use of directional nouns in toki pona and sitelen sitelen

lipu lawa pi esun kama

August 2, 2012
This conceptual piece was born in the toki pona discussion forums where Matthew Martin (jan Mato) proposed writing up a sales contract in toki pona. He reasoned that if contracts in foreign languages could be held valid, than one in an artificial language should be valid as well. As a challenge, he asked if anyone wanted to sell him something using a toki pona contract.

Balloon Boy Interview

August 1, 2012

The nine pages that make up this piece are a translation of the interview by Wolf Blitzer of the “Balloon Boy” family. I was interested in seeing how loose “TV speak” would translate into a toki pona, and then further into sitelen blocks.

sitelen pi jan ante

jan Simo li pona e ike mi

August 7, 2020
jan Simo li pana e pona tawa ike mi. ike li lon lipu pi kama sona e sitelen sitelen. a taso pona ni li pona lukin kin!

meli pi sitelen sitelen

August 5, 2020
soweli Luwi li pana e sitelen mute. ona li sitelen meli li lukin sama sitelen sitelen

Bohemian Rhapsody

June 12, 2020
Jan Iliana li pali e kulupu sitelen sitelen lili pi kalama musi Bohemian Rhapsody

Ave Maria

May 9, 2020
sitelen sitelen version of Ave Maria by Tobias Merkle

meli lili pi len loje

June 25, 2019
jan Same's Complete translation of Little Red Riding Hood into toki pona and sitelen sitelen.

jan Talepi: jan jaki li pakala ike

August 2, 2012
Here's a humorous and dark image by jan Telepi. It's a rather free-form take on sitelen sitelen, with much of the emphasis placed on fleshing out the character of each of the glyphs.

Laughton McCry: Gilgamesh Page One

August 2, 2012
I can't say how excited I was when I got a link to this image in an email. Not only is jan Ote's translation of Gilgamesh into toki pona probably my favorite toki pona text to date, but this adaptation of my sitelen sitelen by Laughton McCry is just absolutely beautiful.

jan Ante: intenasijonale

August 2, 2012
This is jan Ante's sitelen sitelen using his own translation of L'Internationale. He has his own take on how li could be used as a red band right down the middle of the image, separating the subject from the rest of the sentence.